Friday, July 06, 2012

It’s FBF (Feedback Friday): Kim K and Beyonce, Who’s Hotter?

I really like 'B' but i won't vote here. Let's know what u think! Who's hotter hehehe! :-)

Jane Smith Writes against Obama

Jane Pitt unlike her son and daughter in-law –to-be Angelina Jolie doesn't support liberal sensibilities and that has been made clear in a letter printed in The Springfield News-Leader.

She urged her fellow Christians to vote for the President's Republican rival Mitt Romney in November; Mrs. Pitt calls Obama "a liberal who supports the killing of unborn babies and same-sex marriage".

She insists Obama is the wrong man to be running the country, adding, "I think any Christian should spend much time in prayer before refusing to vote for a family man with high morals, business experience, who is against abortion, and shares Christian conviction concerning homosexuality just because he is Mormon."
"Anyone who does not vote or writes in a name is casting a vote for Romney’s opponent, Barack Hussein Obama - a man who sat in Jeremiah Wright’s church for years and did not hold a public ceremony to mark the National Day of Prayer."

Her stance comes just a few months after her son opened up about his support for Obama in a candid cover story for The Hollywood Reporter.

An editor's note reads: "The News-Leader has verified the letter writer is the mother of actor Brad Pitt and local businessman Doug Pitt."
Newspaper editors have confirmed the letter to the News-Leader was written by the movie star's mother.

The question is do you agree with her?