Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mother In-Law Sent Me Back From Heaven

A man has described his near death experience where he was ordered back to earth from heaven by his dead mother-in-law after suffering a massive heart attack.
Delivery driver Brian Miller, from Ohio, U.S. suffered a massive cardiac arrest while at work but seemed to be recovering in hospital when his heart suddenly stopped beating for 45 minutes.
Doctors at University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center desperately tried to revive the 41-year-old, shocking him four times while he lay on the brink of death. 

But as doctors feared the worst, out-of-the-blue his heart began beating normally again. Amazingly, he had not suffered any brain damage or loss of any bodily functions.

Now Mr Miller has recalled how he saw a white light, and said he was walking towards heaven along a path covered in flowers before being told by his recently deceased mother-in-law that he had to return to his body.

Here's Something You'd Like!

What was y'all thinking  hehehe!

One Year Gone, RIP Justus Esiri

It's one year now since this awesome actor passed! I did enjoy his movies and still do. Sleep well Sir! *Salute*

25 Year Old Woman Gives Birth To Stone


Amina Bello, 25-year old woman in Yolde  Pate in Yola South LGA of Adamawa State, on Tuesday, delivered a sizable stone. Bello narrated her story at the opening ceremony of  Vesico vaginal fistula (VVF) free medical treatment in Yola Specialists Hospital. Bello, who is also a VVF patient, told the gathering that after four years pregnancy, she finally delivered a sizable stone last year.

"I was holding a pregnancy for the duration of four years, which I bitterly suffered because of the heavy weight of what is contained in the stomach,” she said. “It was last year around June, I started feeling labour and I was in that condition for three days and finally I delivered a stone.” 

She said that it was after the delivery she now discovered that she was affected with VVF. Responding, Dr Sunday Lengmang, Director VVF Centre, Jos, confirmed that giving birth to a stone or any object was possible. 

Realizing Your Dreams

Have you been wanting to start out and realize your dreams? Well here's some inspiration and direction!

Boko Haram's Anti Air Craft Training Ground Uncovered In Niger

Efforts of the Nigerian security forces yielded results on Tuesday with the discovery of a Boko Haram training camp in  Niger Republic. It’s been reported that the discovery was made by the Nigerien security forces.

Reports says that Some Nigeriens, who were alleged to have interrogated some of the insurgents, said Boko Haram devoted the camp to a specialized training for the use of long range anti-tank and anti-aircraft weapons.

Investigations revealed that the insurgents were focusing on the use of a dangerous weapon they had acquired, the AA 12, which is one of the world deadliest shotguns. It’s been said that one of its versions could also be used to shoot down fighter aircraft.

The source said that while the insurgents had acquired the lethal weapon, they had not got the expertise to fully utilize it.