Wednesday, August 31, 2016

Popular Comedian Akpororo Welcomes His Baby

Babies are blessings that can't be quantified. Congratulations to Nigeria's popular comedian Akpororo as he welcomes his new baby!

Cute baby!

Professional Courses: ISO 9001:2015 Qualifications-Requirements & Implementation

After your honours, bachelors or even masters degree what next? You may find it intimidating that there are loads of educated professionals out there with the the same degree as you have thereby  making the job hunt and industry relevance more difficult.

But just as many will say, when life hands you lemons make a lemonade out of it. Your next question maybe how do i achieve that?  If you are in the sciences or organizational development field, you may want to try becoming ISO qualified. You may want to learn how to implement quality management systems.

The ISO 9001:2015 is worth studying. Every company needs an ISO 9001 management system for effective and quality operation, hence the need for an ISO 9001:2015 implementer, officer/manager or even auditor (internal or lead) may also arise. Why not equip yourself with the requisite knowledge, you may never know if this skill will make you indispensable at your workplace.

To start out as an ISO 9001 expert, you need to understand and master the requirements and implementation of the 9001:2015 management system. Read more about the ISO 9001:2015 requirements and implementation course.