Saturday, August 27, 2016

South Africa's Ruling Party's Youth League Says Party Leaders Are Embarrassing The Party

The youth league of South Africa's ruling party reportedly said that the party's elders have been embarrassing the movement through a disruptive behavior. The former foreign affairs director general Mr. Sipho Pitayana has been accused by the league of dragging the ANC's name through the mud. 

It was reported that during the week at the funeral of former sports minister Makhenkesi Stofile, Mr. Pitayana called for President Jacob Zuma's resignation. 

Malian Jihadist Has Pleaded Guilty to Destroying Cultural Sites in Timbuktu in Hague Court

Ahmed al-Fagi al-Mahdi is an Islamic extremist and Jihadist from Mali. On Monday, he pleaded guilty to destroying shrines and damaging a mosque in the ancient city of Timbuktu, Mali at the International Criminal Court.

Prosecutors said that Ahmed al-Fagi al-Mahdi was member of a jihadist group linked to Al Qaeda, that took part in the smashing of a number of venerable centuries-old mud and stone buildings holding the tombs of holy men and scholars in Mali.