Saturday, August 27, 2016

South Africa's Ruling Party's Youth League Says Party Leaders Are Embarrassing The Party

The youth league of South Africa's ruling party reportedly said that the party's elders have been embarrassing the movement through a disruptive behavior. The former foreign affairs director general Mr. Sipho Pitayana has been accused by the league of dragging the ANC's name through the mud. 

It was reported that during the week at the funeral of former sports minister Makhenkesi Stofile, Mr. Pitayana called for President Jacob Zuma's resignation. 

The ANCYL said in their statement that “In a case of any advice being sort to be given, we expect such to be done in a comradely and respectful manner. These comrades, who chose a funeral service to vent their anger and frustration, should have known better that African value systems and customs do not allow this no matter how one seeks to please his fellow counter-revolutionaries. The youth league also said that: “To have been with us and served in our ranks does not entitle anyone to behave in a counter-revolutionary manner, worse on an occasion to honour and bid farewell to one of our greatest icons. 

In another statement from the youth league it said that “If Sipho Pityana was a looter or loots, he should not go around branding everyone else as such. If Sipho Pityana genuinely suspects anyone of contravening the law, he should report such to law enforcement agencies. If he feels someone is acting outside of the ANC constitution, he should raise such with the ANC structures provided for in the ANC constitution.”

Image and news credit: Eye Witness News

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