Friday, July 25, 2014

Africa's Biggest Philanthropic Spender is Dangote

Have you heard? That Africa’s richest man and owner of obviously Africa’s largest conglomerate, Aliko Dangote recently stated that he will only give a part of his money to charity. The fact is, that part of the philanthropic spending of N30 billion ($185 million) within the last two years- is the largest expense on charity either by an African individual or company.

Not stopping there, Dangote plans to do more; He was quoted saying: “I am going to try my best and give part of that money to charity. I am working hard on it… I think from this year, I personally want to take philanthropy very seriously. I want to be much more aggressive than what we have had in the past.

He believes that Africans should help Africans. He (Dangote)   added that “We already have a foundation which will do all these things (charities), but I am trying to see what we can do to encourage not only Nigerians but other Africans”, he added.

It’s been disclosed that the conglomerate has spent N30 billion ($185 million) in two years on philanthropic and humanitarian activities.

Some of his philanthropic donations includes: The Dangote Academy worth about N1 billion ($6 million), He also spent N1 billion on the rehabilitation of some Nigerian universities.

The First Free To Air Digital TV Platform Arrives In Nigeria

Computer Warehouse Group (CWG) Plc. was recently named World Economic Forum Global Growth Company has partnered with a satellite operator, SES, to launch Nigeria’s first free-to-air (FTA) DTH digital TV platform. 

This will quicken digital migration for local and international broadcasters and allow them to reach millions of homes in West Africa quickly and economically.

Picture Credit: Ventures Africa

232 Teeth Removed From An Indian Teen's Mouth

According to Global News, Dental surgeons in India’s largest city say they have removed 232 small “tooth-like structures” from the mouth of a teenage boy with a rare medical condition.

They say the 17-year-old from a small village in western India had been suffering from jaw pain and swelling for more than 18 months.

Surgeon Dr. Vandana Thoravade says Ashik Gavai suffered complex odontoma, a rare condition in which a tumour grows under a gum and creates smaller tooth-like growths called denticles.

He said the team of dental surgeons took seven hours to remove all the denticles in the operation earlier this week. They were surprised at how many they totaled when counted up and believe it may be the most ever in a case of odontoma. The teen is said to be recovering.

Update On Air Algerie Plane Crash

The French President, Francois Hollande has said that there were no survivors from the Air Algerie AH5017 passenger jet that crashed in Mali.

He said one flight data recorder had been recovered, after French troops reached the crash site near Mali's border with Burkina Faso.

51 French citizens were among the 116 passengers on the Air Algerie flight.

Jihadists Group ISIS Orders 4 Million Girls & Women In Iraqi City To Undergo Female Genital Mutilation

Its been reported that militant group ISIS, may have last night ordered for the compulsory Female Genital Mutilation (FGM) for all women and girls in a region in Iraq where they have control over.

The extremist group has seized large swathes of the troubled country's northern regions and is now said to be imposing its hardline Sharia rules on the population.

The United Nations expressed deep concern yesterday at reports all girls and women in and around city of Mosul are to being forced to undergo FGM procedures.

A UN spokesman in Geneva said that they were seeking clarity and trying to establish the facts.