Saturday, October 22, 2016

Hackers wide scaled cyber attack criples US internet

Many of the world's most popular websites were inaccessible across several parts of the United States on Friday. This was as a result of the wave of hackers attack on a company that acts as a switchboard for the internet.

Access to websites such as Paypal, Spotify, Twitter and other customers of the infrastructure company in New Hampshire called Dyn, which processes large volumes of internet traffic were affected. 

Other websites that were attacked and affected included top names like CNN, New York Times, AirBnB, Reddit, HBO and many more sites.

Scores die in Cameroon after overcrowded passenger train derailed off its tracks and overturned

Up to 55 people were killed and nearly 600 injured when an overloaded passenger train travelling between Cameroon's two largest cities derailed and overturned. Cameroon's Transport Minister Edgar Alain Mebe Ngo'o gave an update on the confirmed death toll from Friday's accident to be 55people. He said the accident took place near the central town of Eseka - 120km west of the capital Yaounde - as the train travelled to the economic hub of Douala. 

"The cause of the accident is not yet clear," said the minister, via state broadcaster CRTV. He added that several of the injured were in very serious condition. The Minister gave as also said a further 575 were injured in the incident - several in very serious condition.

See more photos from the accident. Warning disturbing photos after the cut. Viewers discretion is advised...

South Africa leaves the International Criminal Court (ICC)

Yesterday Friday the 21st of October 2016, South Africa announced that it will withdraw from the International Criminal Court, this has sent a troubling wind to the institution set up to the world’s worst crimes.

The decision was a result of a dispute that started last year when Sudanese President Omar al-Bashir visited South Africa for an African Union summit despite facing an ICC arrest warrant over alleged war crimes. South Africa refused to arrest him, saying he had immunity as a head of state.