Friday, February 22, 2013

Pistorius case - Oscar Pistorius Strict Bail Conditions

Oscar Pistorius has been given strict bail conditions as he awaits a murder trial following the death of Reeva Steenkamp.

The bail was set at one million South African Rand (£74,000). 100,000 must be paid immediately, the rest by next Friday.

The conditions are:

- He must appear in court at 8.30am on 4 June 2013.

- He must stay at an undisclosed address.

- He must not return home or have contact with residents there.

- He must report to Brooklyn Police Station between 7am and 1pm every 
   Monday and  Friday.

- He must hand in his passport, and must not apply for a new one.

- He must not enter the departure hall of any airport.

- He cannot leave Pretoria without permission.

Ronke Ogunmakin’s Short Film – “The Enigmatic Truth”

I hate domestic Violence and everyone should stand up against it. The Video showcases domestic violence in the home. The short video is titled "The Enigmatic Truth'' and it is produced by Ronke Ogunmakin.

Watch it, and share your views.