Friday, January 11, 2013

Causes and Prevention of Stillbirth


A friend of mine had a stillbirth, and I thought do my little research and find out exactly what causes stillbirth, also the preventive measures to take.

Please read and have an idea. Maybe you can share to other friends as this could help someone!


30% of stillbirths remain unexplained. Some conditions that can cause stillbirth or may be associated with stillbirth include:

1.   Bleeding (hemorrhage) before or during labour
2.   Problems with the placenta (afterbirth) can separate from the womb before the baby is
     born (placental abruption), or the placenta can fail to provide the baby with enough oxygen and 
     nutrients which means that the baby does not grow properly (intra-uterine growth restriction is 
     associated with one-third of all stillbirths).
3.  A problem with the umbilical cord, (the cord) attaches the placenta to your baby’s tummy button;
     it can slip down through the entrance of the womb before the baby is born (known as cord 
     prolapse (caused by Risk factors for PROM can be a bacterial infection, smoking, or anatomic defect in 
      the structure  of the amniotic sac, uterus, or cervix).

    In some cases, the rupture can spontaneously heal, but in most cases of PROM, labor begins within 48 
    hours. When this occurs, it is necessary that the mother receives treatment to avoid possible infection in 
    the newborn) and it occurs in about 1 in 200 births), or it can wrap around the baby’s neck.  
4. Pre-Eclampsia is  a condition that can cause high blood pressure in the mother; mild pre-eclampsia
    can affect up to 10% of first time pregnancies and more severe pre-eclampsia can affect 1-2% of 
    pregnancies. Causes can be Insufficient blood flow to the uterus, Damage to the blood vessels, a 
    problem with the immune system or Poor diet.

5. A genetic physical defect in the baby.

6. A genetic physical defect in the baby 
7. A liver disorder in the mother called obstetric cholestasis which occurs in 1 in 200 pregnancies.
8. Diabetes in the mother 
9. Infection in the mother that also affects the baby