Wednesday, February 19, 2014

Mother In-Law Sent Me Back From Heaven

A man has described his near death experience where he was ordered back to earth from heaven by his dead mother-in-law after suffering a massive heart attack.
Delivery driver Brian Miller, from Ohio, U.S. suffered a massive cardiac arrest while at work but seemed to be recovering in hospital when his heart suddenly stopped beating for 45 minutes.
Doctors at University Hospitals Ahuja Medical Center desperately tried to revive the 41-year-old, shocking him four times while he lay on the brink of death. 

But as doctors feared the worst, out-of-the-blue his heart began beating normally again. Amazingly, he had not suffered any brain damage or loss of any bodily functions.

Now Mr Miller has recalled how he saw a white light, and said he was walking towards heaven along a path covered in flowers before being told by his recently deceased mother-in-law that he had to return to his body.

Mr Miller appeared to be recovering from his heart attack when he took a turn for the worst. This chart shows how his heart rhythm went into a deadly arrhythmia
Emily Bishop, a nurse at the hospital (pictured) who helped care for Mr Miller, said recalled the moment his heart stopped beating and then started again, describing the experience as 'awesome'
Mr Miller said his mother-in-law Kay appeared alongside his father-in-law, who is also dead, and waved to him

Mr Miller said his mother-in-law Kay appeared alongside his father-in-law Jack, who is also dead, and waved to him telling him he still had 'things to go down and do'. 

The father-of-three said: 'The only thing I remember, I started seeing a light and started walking towards the light. She was the most beautiful thing when I seen her. It was like the first day I met her. And looked so happy.' 

Mr Miller added: 'She grabbed a hold of my arm and she told me, ‘It’s not your time, you don’t need to be here … you’ve got things to go down and do.'

Emily Bishop, a nurse at the hospital who helped care for Mr Miller, said recalled the moment his heart stopped beating and then started again, describing the experience as 'awesome'. 

She told WJW-TV: 'His brain had no oxygen for 45 minutes, so the fact that he is up walking, talking, everything — I mean that’s amazing.'

Mr Miller said the experience has changed his views on life after death and is convinced in an afterlife which he said people need to believe in.

Source: Daily Mail

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