Thursday, July 26, 2012

Robbers shoot Daily Sun Editor

A major tragedy was averted yesterday as the Editor of Daily Sun, Mr. Steve Nwosu, was attacked and shot in the right side of the head by  gunmen, who robbed him of N250, 000 before fleeing the scene of the robbery on a motorbike. 

The incident happened at about 3.15p.m. in Agboju, a densely populated residential suburb of Amuwo, Lagos. The gunmen’s  bullets ripped through the glass of the passenger’s door of Nwosu’s car before hitting him.   The doctor, taking care of him described the incident as “a close shave with death,” but said Mr. Nwosu was stable and in high     spirits.  Although shocked by the incident, the editor would soon leave the hospital after preliminary reports suggested his condition was not alarming.
According to Mr. ThankGod Isigwuzoro, an eyewitness who was with him in the car when the incident happened, the robbers trailed them from a commercial bank in Festac Town, Lagos where the editor went to make some transactions. 

He said they were trying to beat the traffic gridlock on the busy Old Ojo Road on their way to The Sun Publishing Company Limited’s corporate office in Kirikiri Town when the incident happened. “We were on our way to the office when the editor decided to stop over in a bank in Festac. Shortly after he emerged from the banking hall, we zoomed off, not suspecting that someone was on our trail. 

“Then we made a U-turn at Agboju and headed for the office. The moment we hit Old Ojo Road, we noticed a long queue of vehicles. Sensing that we might spend long hours in the traffic gridlock, we veered into the neighbourhood to escape the menace. We hadn’t gone far before two young men on a motorbike stopped in our way. One of them then jumped down, made straight for the passenger’s seat where Mr Nwosu was seated. 

He fired a shot and then yelled ‘where is the money; where is the money?’ He then collected what the editor had and fled. It was then that I realised that the editor had been hit in the right side of the head and the glass of the passenger’s door window shattered. The whole journey between Festac Town and the scene of the incident lasted 15 minutes,” Mr. Isigwuzoro said 

 Meanwhile, Mr. Nwosu, sporting a plaster on the side of the head, is hale and hearty and responding to treatment. He acknowledged cheers from staff of The Sun, led by the Deputy Managing Director, Mr. Femi Adesina, who visited him in the hospital shortly after the incident.   Mr. Adesina, in company with other staff, expressed thanks that the editor survived the attack. “We thank God that he survived the incident,” he said. “We are happy that he is well.”

Dr. Kayode Mabogunje who attended to him in the hospital said: “He is okay. But it is natural that anyone who experienced such an incident will be in a state of shock. The amount of bleeding I saw did not suggest he required medical emergency. He was only affected by the shock. He is well oriented but then the shock is there. 

I think that was   basically what happened. We have stitched him up and arrested the bleeding and given him the appropriate medical attention to avoid infection and inflammation in that region. We have also done an x-ray on him to see if there is any pellet lodged in that place since we don’t want to take any risk.”

Describing the incident as a close shave, he urged everyone not to panic, insisting that Nwosu’s condition was not as bad as anyone could ever imagine of someone who was shot at such a very close range. “I’m happy that The Sun team was here to see and talk with him. I think that should be enough to calm down every nerve.”

Source: The Sun Newspaper

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