Friday, August 03, 2012

Governor Fashola signs new traffic bill into law!

Governor Babatunde Fashola, has signed the New Traffic Bill into law.

One of such laws include spending three years in prison, with no option of fine if you’re driving on a one-way road in the state.
Other penalties for traffic offenders are:
1.Riding a motor-cycle against traffic : 1st time offender – N20,000.00 subsequent offender N30,000.00 .
2. Smoking while driving – N20,000.00 fine
3. Failure to give way to traffic on the left at a roundabout – N20,000.00 fine
4. Disobeying traffic control – N20,000.00
5. Riding motor-cycle without crash helmet for rider and passenger – N20, 000: 00 or 3yrs imprisonment
6. Driving without valid driver’s license – Vehicle to be impounded.
7. Driving with fake number plate – N20,000.00 and 6 month imprisonment or both.

You heard! Okada Riders and dem likes! hehehe!.

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