Thursday, August 09, 2012

Liberty Ross- I Want to Work it Out With My Cheating Hubby

Liberty Ross -- the wife of director Rupert Sanders who cheated on her with Kristen Stewart -- has already seen a divorce lawyer.

We do not know which lawyer she hired, but the picture (above) was taken Tuesday in the lobby of a Century City office building in which a number of divorce lawyers practice -- including disso queen Laura Wasser

Sources connected with the couplesay ... although Liberty has lawyered up, her end game is NOT divorce.   In fact, Liberty and Rupert have already been to a marriage and family therapist.  Our sources say, when they were together on Tuesday in Beverly Hill, they were coming out of an office building where they met with the psychologist.

Although Liberty is not wearing her wedding ring, we're told her goal is figuring out why Rupert cheated and getting some sort of assurance he views what he did as a terrible mistake that he won't repeat. 

#By the way ... is Liberty hot or what?#    ...Just Asking#!

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