Tuesday, September 18, 2012

Safety In 1 Minute.


Now, I know living in Nigeria is very stressful, especially for those in Lagos. If you have to cope with work, family, bills, unwanted yet difficult to get rid of friends, (If y'know what i mean)

Then this stress Management Tips are just for you!

**Manage your time effectively. Do not waste your time on unimportant tasks.

**Eat healthy food, exercise regularly and be sure to get adequate rest so that your body will be able to
    cope with stress should it occur.

**Know your limitations and do not take on too much. Do not overwork yourself to please people.

**Find out what causes you stress and begin to work on it.

**Avoid unnecessary conflict and Don't be too argumentative. Is it really worth the stress? Look for win - win situations.

If you like these, then...

**Accept the things you cannot change. Changing a difficult situation is not always possible. If this
    proves to be the case, recognize and accept things as they are.

**Take time out to relax and recharge your batteries. You will perform much better after a break and
    easily make up the time you used relaxing. (Like me I'm on leave away from Lagos)!

**Avoid alcohol, nicotine and caffeine as coping mechanisms, these faulty coping mechanisms will
    only add to the problems and not reduce them.

For instance, caffeine is a stimulant and our body reacts to this with the stress response.

Remember, your ability to manage stress makes you more productive.

Be Stress Free!!!

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