Friday, November 02, 2012

Guys, For the Love of your Prostate! 9 Strategies for Prostate Cancer Prevention.

Each day, Nigeria loses 14 men to prostate cancer, a disease that is said to be on the increase worldwide and this is alarming according to the National Cancer Prevention Programme, (NCPP).
Guys, seriously, you need to read this:

Prostate Cancer is deadly. That’s no news, the News is that Nigeria losses 14 men daily to prostate Cancer. Also hundreds of people are being flown abroad for medical assistance. 

The Bad news: Cancer has no cure.
Good News: It can be prevented.

The question is; how can you prevent prostate cancer.

According to Dr Abia Nzelu, coordinator, National Cancer Prevention Programme (NCPP), Lagos State branch, Nigeria. Regular exercise, losing weight and imbibing the health maintenance culture could reduce the risk by 50 per cent, he also noted that life- style modification, screening and routine checkups, at least once a year for those who are 40 and above can help prevent the disease.

The human prostate is about the size and shape of a walnut. 

10 Strategies for Preventing Prostate Cancer
1.      Eat lots of cruciferous vegetables. Cruciferous vegetables e.g (broccoli cauliflower, cabbage, radish to name a few) these contain phytochemicals that stimulates the body to detoxify carcinogens. (Men who consumed three or more half-cup servings of cruciferous vegetables per week were 41 percent less likely to develop prostate cancer. 

2.   Reduce consumption of animal protein. Fact is:  high consumption of animal protein has been linked to a greater risk of prostate cancer. Second fact: Greater consumption of meat, poultry and fish is associated with higher blood level of IGF-1 (insulin-like growth factor-1), which is positively correlated with an increased risk of prostate cancer. Fact 3: For prostate health, limit or avoid animal products to less than two servings per week. Plant protein, however is protective – legumes, and specifically minimally processed soy products, are associated with decreased risk of prostate cancer.

3.    Eat plenty of Allium vegetables like - onions, garlic, shallots, scallions, and chives – they have organosulfur compounds with anti-cancer effects, and are associated with reduced prostate cancer risk. Consumption of orange vegetables like carrots, pumpkin, sweet potatoes, and corn was also found to be inversely related to prostate cancer.

4.    Avoid supplemental folic acid. Folic acid is the synthetic form of folate, one of the B vitamins. Similar to breast cancer, folic acid supplementation has been associated with increased risk of prostate cancer, whereas food folates like green vegetables and beans instead of synthetic folic acid from supplements is associated with decreased risk.

5.     Research shows that insufficient vitamin D levels are associated with an increased risk of several cancers, including prostate cancer. The safest way to obtain vitamin D is through supplements. 

       Trust me you won’t get enough vitamin D from the sun even if you stand outside in the sun all your life (#hehehehe just kidding!) But seriously, food supplements will do.

6.    Avoid dairy consumption. There is substantial evidence indicating that men who avoid dairy products are at a lower risk for prostate cancer. One study that spanned 41 countries reported a strong correlation between per capita milk consumption and prostate cancer deaths.

7.     Supplement with zinc. In one study of 525 men with prostate cancer, those who consumed the most zinc (15.7 mg daily) were shown to have 74% reduction in risk of death as compared to men who consumed less than 12.8 mg zinc daily. The power of zinc lies in its ability to cause prostate cancer cell death. It is important to note that zinc from plant foods is not always efficiently absorbed by the body.

8.    Exercise at least 3 hours a week. A little exercise does not kill.  Particularly endurance-type exercise such as walking, running, cycling and swimming. These are effective forms of disease protection. I read somewhere that men who reported vigorous activity for at least three hours per week had a 61% lower risk of prostate cancer-specific death. Not only does exercise prevent prostate cancer, but it can also slow the progression of cancer. 

9.    Eat lots of tomatoes. A study of over 40,000 men revealed that those who consumed the most tomato-based foods (including cooked tomatoes and tomato sauce) reduced their total risk of prostate cancer by 35 percent and their risk of advanced prostate cancer by 50 percent. Lycopene, is abundant especially in cooked tomato products is believed to be primarily responsible for this benefit. Tomatoes are extremely nutrient dense, containing lycopene as well as a variety of other protective phytochemicals.

That’s it boys! Did I tell you also that the prostate gland is an important part of a man's reproductive system. It provides nourishing and protective fluid to support sperm survival and increase the chances of fertilization of the egg in a women's uterus. Several conditions can affect the prostate as a man ages, including cancer and benign prostatic hyperplasia.

So please protect your prostate at least for your women! (#Hand over face#)

Source for steps:

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