Thursday, February 28, 2013

IBB Backs Political Parties Merger

From his hill top mansion in  Minna Niger state , the former President said as a strong advocate of two political parties for the country, the emerging scenario will surely vindicate him on his stand for  two political party system which he said is the only way out for the country politically. Hs said: 

“ I have been a very good advocate of two party system for the country since I was the president. When I said we need only two parties some years back, they said I am a soldier and I should shut up but now, many are seeing relevance in my agitation,” Gen. Babangida remarked.

“I am happy with the merger talk that is going on; it is a welcome political development in our political experience and if it succeeds, it will surely vindicate me and move the country on politically.”

The former military president who took a swipe on our political leadership so far said most politicians in the country are much more concerned about the votes they garner from the electorates during elections but have failed to serve them more appropriately after winning the elections.

“ It is unfortunate that the political elites  have failed to enlighten the ordinary man and carry them along; nobody is talking about enlightening the ordinary man because they are only interested in their votes and soon forget them after getting to power,”  he noted.

This is coming from The Very Gen. Babangida #hmmmmnnn ;-\ 

Biko more stories coming!!! If you have comments, feel free to share in the comment box provided!

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