Tuesday, February 05, 2013

Things that happen in 9Ja!

This story is quite shocking i need you to read carefully, you might be shaking your head uncontrollably as i am!

It really happened last week! Will update y'all on this incident!

Quoting a friend: (Last Week)

 Honestly, there are things you hear about this country and just wish you can change being a Nigerian when you think you can't change certain things immediately.

 A young guy in my neighborhood who is a driver plying Kano-Lagos was shot on the head between Okene and Lokoja in Kogi State by Armed Robbers. The hospital he was taken to in Lokoja confirmed the bullet was still in his head and since he could not afford the money for the surgery, he was sent out of the hospital. With the bullet in his skull, he returned to Kano over a week ago.

 He was taken to Aminu Kano Teaching Hospital here where they also confirmed the bullet to still be in his head.

The initial challenge was that of money for the operation. When he could not afford the 45000 naira charged by the hospital, he was asked to go back home. The issue was brought to the mosque where we immediately contributed the money needed since Wednesday. As i type, the operation is yet to take place because there is no bed space in the hospital.

Since Wednesday, he has been going to the hospital with his money and the bullet in his head but he returned home because there is no bed space.

Looking at it, God has tried for this young man having saved his life with a bullet in his skull for well over a week. Should anything happen to this young man who is now finding it almost impossible to speak, are we going to blame it on his destiny or the state? Had this happened to the son of a

Commissioner, Minister, Senator, Governor or even LGA Chairman, will the young man still be carrying the bullet in his head?

Something is terribly wrong with this country. A country where money is placed far above human life, where the rich have more right to survival than the poor is not a country to be proud of.

*I am short of words, please keeping sending this message, this young man needs help urgently!*

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