Monday, May 13, 2013

Are Nurses In Lagos Rude?

Are Nurses in Lagos rude? Have you had any experience so far that depicts them as rude?

Here's my experience, and this is one of many other experiences i've had. 

I went to LASUTH to visit someone who was a patient in one of the wards. I missed my way and ventured to enter another ward but only to inquire about the precise ward i wanted to visit. So i approached one of the nurses at her table (which was at the entrance of a ward). I was trying to tell her my plight, the next thing i get is ''madam what are you looking for (in a sarcastic tone, eyebrow raised, and she had this angry look on her face, (like say na me offend am)). Please please just go out there'' she continued. 

I was trying to explain and tell her the name of the patient i was looking for. She cut me off in a final tone and said he is not in this ward, go and ask someone else. Jeez! Had i not been a gentle lady that i am, i would have picked a quarrel with her.

But off i go, i had a mission and would not let the hatefullish nurse distract me. I eventually found a janitor, (after roaming for some expensive minutes), who then told me where i can find the ward. Shikena!!! 

What would it have cost this nurse to just tell me madam you are not allowed here, but you can take right, left, up, side, e.t.c you'll get to this mystery ward!

Now my question is, do you feel that nurses are rude? I don't want to think am alone on this. I believe that whatever is worth doing at all, is worth doing well. Where has job ethics and courtesy gone to? Even if you work for the government hello!! you represent them.

So tell me your experience, do you think them (Nurses in Lagos) are rude?

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