Wednesday, May 15, 2013

Do you Know: That The Flood Continues In Ejigbo L.C.D.A

Last Week, a post was put up about the Flood in Ejigbo L.C.D.A it's Here if you missed it. This week, Lagos has experienced more rains, and like you'd suspect, more floods.

The people who live here are lamenting about this situation as it is pathetic, cars gets broken down because of the flood, the traffic is heavy daily, because of the cars (broken down),  plus life becomes excruciating for the residents of this area.

That's not all, who would send a child to school in this flooded main road, the drainages are filled to the brim and overflowing with murky water to mention a few.

I'm speaking the minds of the residents of Ejigbo L.C.D.A in Lagos state, we pray the L.C.D.A Chairman to do something about the flood! Particularly the drainages. Many of them have been in existence for more than 2 decades with little or no maintenance.

This is an opportunity for the L.C.D.A chairman to educate his people via publications, media e.t.c about environmental care.

More Pictures as you continue

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