Thursday, June 27, 2013

Mandela's Condition Is Much Better Says President Zuma Of South Africa

President Zuma of South Africa, this morning reported that South Africa’s anti-apartheid icon Nelson Mandela has improved overnight. His statement came after he visited Mandela in a hospital in Pretoria. He said Mandela's medical team told him the former president "remains critical but is now stable."

He said "I canceled my visit to Mozambique today so that I can see him and confer with the doctors. He is much better today than he was when I saw him last night,"

Although earlier, Mandela's oldest daughter said that although her father is critically ill, he opens his eyes and responds to touch.

Mandela, 94, is considered a revolutionary founding father of South Africa's modern democracy, has been undergoing treatment since June 8 for a recurring lung infection.

President Obama calls him a personal hero, I call him a personal hero too!

I raise my glass to a great man, Nelson Mandela!!!

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