Friday, August 30, 2013

Information You Should Know About Your Heart

The heart is a dependable little organ (as long as you take care of it well). It works everyday, including Sundays and holidays. This little engine keeps on pumping nonstop. And it continues pumping even when we are asleep.

It never complains about the weather and never ask for a vacation. It works best when treated well. In fact it continues to serve even when working conditions are stressfull.

Our pumping machine is about the size of one’s fist and weighs just a little more than a pound. It beats about 70 times a minute, 4200 times an hour, 100,800 times a day, and 36,792,000 times a year. The heart of a 70 year old person has beaten over 2.5 billion times.

The heart generates enough energy in 50years to lift a battleship out of the water. In the average of a lifetime, it pumps enough blood to fill 3.3 supertankers!

According to one encyclopedia, the heart pumps blood through about 12,000miles of blood vessels in the human body. That is about the distance from San Francisco, California, to Nairobi-Kenya, or half way around the world.

Although this organ, which keeps our blood constantly circulating, can be weakened by disease or abuse, it generally gives excellent ceaseless service for many years before it finally stops. When it stops, we die…

Culled from- Fred Cowell’s  (What If Your Heart Stops)

So you’d better don’t abuse your heart

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