Tuesday, August 13, 2013

Searchlight On Zimbabwe- Mugabe Wins The Election?

After July 31st, i mean after the elections held in Zimbabwe, Robert Mugabe emerged the winner. Although some groups have different views and disagree with this result. I heard that erm... people are depressed in Zimbabwe.

What happened? How could he have won again, again! Well this is what happened.

According to Wilf Mbanga's opinion in a post on CNN; "Robert Mugabe is a very wily politician. After losing the election in 2008, he and his generals threw everything into this election -- determined to win at all costs. They left nothing to chance. They also enlisted the help of the controversial Israeli company Nikuv, which has been accused of manipulating the vote in Zambia during the last election''

The official results of the election indicated that Mugabe had 61 percent of the vote in the election on 31 July, while Prime Minister Tsvangirai claimed 35 percent.

Mugabe's Zanu-PF party also picked up a parliamentary majority of more than two-thirds in the election, winning 160 of the 210 seats.  Even though monitors said they saw relatively few irregularities, the BBC reported.

In a post i read on a newspaper from Uganda, here's what the 89 year old (Yes he is 89 and will probably be President in his 90's, ...err just kidding) Mugabe said;

So here's what he said about the election in his speech during the Heroes Day celebration.

“We fought gallantly in this election, and we won so overwhelmingly that some people are hurting badly,” He continued:

“If they cannot stomach it, they can go and hang. If they die, even dogs will not sniff at their corpses. Never will we go back on our victory.”  he dismissed the claim by his rival Morgan Tsvangirai that the election was won by widespread rigging and intimidation.

 Here's something i read from a post on CNN: ''In the absence of a proper voters' roll and credible international observers, no one can honestly say with any degree of certainty whether last week's elections reflected the will of the Zimbabwean people. One thing is certain -- the numbers simply do not add up''

To end my article, here's what Robert Mugabe said in his speech during the Heroes Day Celebration.

“We are delivering democracy on a platter. We say take it or leave it,” he said. “The emphatic vote assures us that Zimbabwe will never be a colony again. Never, ever, ever.” - Robert Mugabe.

 Mugabe is King President Again!

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