Monday, November 25, 2013

New Reports: Islam Banned In Angola, Minister Says The Process Of Legalization Of Islam Not Approved Yet!

It's been reported that Angola Islam has been banned in Angola. I thought there should be freedom of religion to every citizen of a country. Isn't that part of human right?

The Guardian Express on November 22nd reported that Islam has been banned in Angola. I keep repeating the report because it's really hard to accept it.

In the report the Angolan Minister of Culture Rosa Cruz e Silva said that the process of legalization of Islam has not been approved by the Ministry of Justice and Human Rights and so their mosques would be closed until further notice.” 

Also, as at yesterday (November 24), The Angola President José Eduardo dos Santos said that the country is working toward putting an end to Islamic influence in Angola once and for all. Again, there is no word of what or who has been influenced and why it needs to stop.

Are religions to be ''legalized or approved" I thought it's an individual thing. (*Correct Me If I'm Wrong*).


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