Tuesday, July 29, 2014

There Are No Flight Restrictions From West Africa To America Over Ebola Yet- Jen Psaki

Jen Psaki the U.S State Department Spokeswoman has told reporters that they (U.S) will be taking a ‘wait and see’ approach on the Ebola Virus breakout. While three West African nations enforce the suspension of flights from Liberia, and Sierra Leone.

The State Department is the agency that would suspend, or place, international flight restrictions in the event a major Trans-Atlantic outbreak of the Ebola virus under U.S. Law. Jen Psaki said that the State Department would first follow the lead, and recommendations of the Atlanta-based Center for Disease Control to place flight restrictions.

Psaki said that U.S. officials are closely monitoring the on-going outbreak of Ebola in the five West African countries where the illness has surfaced. She said that as officials manage support to the countries afflicted with Ebola, the U.S. was not ready to issue travel bans to American citizens visiting the West African Nations.

According to FOX News, a second American aid worker has tested positive for the Ebola virus. Health officials have identified Nancy Writebol as the second known American to contract the disease. Writebol is a worker with an allied aid group called SIM (Serving In Mission).

Writebol was diagnosed with Ebola at the same hospital in Liberia where an American doctor became infected while helping to combat an outbreak of the deadly disease.

Ken Isaacs, a vice president of Samaritan's Purse, told The Associated Press that the first American reported to contract the deadly virus (Dr. Kent Brantly), was stable but in a very serious condition. 

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