Friday, December 18, 2015

Man Suspected of Raping, Murdering School Girl Detained

Police in Mombasa have been allowed to detain for 10 days a man suspected to have raped and murdered a minor in his house in Likoni in order to complete investigations. The suspect, Mr Manfred Odhiambo, is alleged to have repeatedly raped the 10-year-old girl before he strangled her to death and hid her body under a bed.
Police Inspector Yusuf Ibrahim told a Mombasa court that the girl’s body was found half-naked under the bed with blood stains around the neck and private parts. “The girl went missing after returning from Bethsaida Primary School on December 15, 2015 and was found dead inside her neighbours house,” Inspector Ibrahim told the court.
Mr Ibrahim told the court that when the girl went missing, the suspect who resides in the same plot with girl’s family, was among the people who escorted them to the Likoni Police Station to report the case.

However, the neighbours became suspicious of him when he started locking his house with different padlocks and blocking friends from entering his house.

It was then that the landlord Mr Nicholas Opiyo requested to search the suspects rental house prompting him to jump over the perimeter wall.
The deceased girl's father and her neighbours chased after him but could not catch him. However, Mr Odhiambo surrendered himself at the Timbwani Administration Police Post with injuries sustained from broken glass on top of the perimetre wall he jumped over.
Mombasa Principal Magistrate Diana Mochache ordered the suspect to be taken for a medical check up and be detained at the Likoni Police Station until December 28, when the case will be mentioned.

The suspect did not object to the application to enable police complete their investigations but asked for medication and clothes.

Source:Daily Nation