Wednesday, December 16, 2015

South Africans Celebrate Reconcilation Day, Whilst Some Protest Against President Zuma

Today December 16th 2015, South Africans celebrated the reconciliation day. According to SABC News, hundreds gathered at various venues across South Africa to take part in commemorations characterized by interfaith church services, prayers and walks.

Meanwhile hundreds of people have gathered on the Nelson Mandela Bridge in central Johannesburg marching in support of the "Zuma Must Fall" campaign.

This was as a result of removal of the Finance Minister Nhlanhla Nene last week Wednesday by President Jacob Zuma. He and replaced him with little known MP David van Rooyen.

After several clamor, Van Rooyen was replaced with Pravin Gordhan four days later.

Placards captioned "Zuma Must Fall" and "Recall Zuma Now " were raised by people marching on the streets in Johannesburg, Their request is that President Zuma should step down as the head of the state because they have lost faith in his leadership. 

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