Thursday, May 19, 2016

Breaking News: EgyptAir Flight 804 that vanishes off radar with 66 people aboard, Search and Rescue Operations Ongoing!

It has been reported that a Flight 804, Airbus A320 that flew at 37,000 feet had vanished off radar on its way from Paris to Cairo. It has 66 people aboard. 56 passengers and 10 crew members. It disappeared shortly after entering the Egyptian airspace.

The Egyptian navy is conducting search and rescue operations with help from Greece.

Ahmed Adel, Vice Chairman of EgyptAir's said that a distress signal was detected in the general vicinity where the EgyptAir flight disappeared two hours after it disappeared, but it may not have come from the plane, Holding Company.

This is sad our hearts go out to the families whose loved ones were aboard this airplane.  Let's keep praying for them.

More updates coming soon...

News Source: CNN

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