Sunday, May 15, 2016


On this note we return and walk right back into your lives. Happy Sunday! It is the beginning of a new week! I suggest we start it on a positive note. Throw away the pain! Say bye to the worries.

To those dreading the thought of going back to that office, believe that change is the only constant situation. Hope for a better job and it will come.

To those wanting to take their lives because of an unending horrible depression stemming from a bad situation. Know that God loves you and he will never forsake you. Don't do it. If you are loved by the creator of the universe, why hurt yourself when you can embrace him and tell him your worries through prayers?

To those asking for a solution to a need, remember that the sun rises and sets daily. You turn will surely come. Never say never.

And to those who feel only emptiness inside, be rest assured that new events are abut to happen which will fill your lives with so many activities that will leave you "wondering why on God's green earth was i feeling empty".

So i say to you again, SMILE, things are working out. You may not see it now, but just know God is directing you to a much greater happiness!

Happy Sunday. Please feel free to comment or share to others who may need this message!

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