Sunday, September 04, 2016

Downloading Whatsapp Gold May Also Mean Downloading A Malware

Recently, there has been a spate of messages being circulated to WhatsApp users. This messages includes downloading the new WhatsApp Gold App. Users have been advised not to fall for the trick of spammers circulating these messages. Reports making the rounds have stated that this supposed WhatsApp Gold actually infects your mobiles with malware.

The spammers circulating these messages claimed that the new WhatsApp Gold features more options such as the ability to send hundreds of pictures at once, video calling, new emoji's, enhanced security features etc they also claim these features have only previously been available to top celebrities.

Other reports from some tech sites making the rounds refuted this claims. They reported that downloading the program from the website will infect your phone with a malware that can possibly allow cybercriminals to steal your date or track your activity. App users are advised to do some research before downloading any new app. Consult the app source or read reviews.

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