Wednesday, September 07, 2016

UK's New Wall

 Trump may have said it, but the UK will be taking the steps to build a four-meter high wall to stop migrants from entering the UK illegally. The wall will stretch one kilometer through the French port city of Calais. It is expected that the construction of this wall which will be funded by the UK government and is estimated to cost about $4 million will begin in September and will be completed in December.

This decision was taken after the protest held by truck drives who have suffered violent attacks including having their windscreens smashed by desperate migrants who are doing all it takes to enter the UK. These events was a major discussion in the Brexit debate.

A number of walls have been put up across countries in Europe such as Hungary, Serbia and Austria and Germany and Austria (closed borders). The UK is not left out in this spate of erecting new walls. Yesterday, UK's junior minister Robert Goodwill told a parliamentary committee that the erection of the new wall will begin soon. He said: "We’ve done the fence, now we are doing a wall,” 

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