Monday, October 22, 2012

Dear Readers, Is It Okay to Play Lotto?


Yes I know you'll ask: what kind of question is this? But more and more people in Lagos and all over the country are getting involved!

The picture above was taken in V.I somewhere near mega plaza (street name with held). You're free to imagine!

The emergence of lotto in our country has become widespread as some people have made it as a source of livelihood, and some have run such business for a span of 1-2 years and have sustained it.

These young men and women (lotto business owners  a.k.a Baba Ijebu) somehow obtain a means of livelihood running this business. The question I ask is: Do you play Baba Ijebu, (Lotto) do you feel right playing it?

And as for people in this game, many say it's addictive, a woman once complained that her husband will rather play  the lotto "Baba Ijebu" than play his role at home (taking care of the family financially). So i ask...

Is it okay to play this game/lotto/gamble?

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