Monday, December 24, 2012

Safety Tips For Christmas!

Lets start with your children.

Children enjoy stuffed toys like teddy bears and cloth toys!When buying these items ensure they have sturdy seams and that the eyes, noses and other parts are well attached, loose pieces can be swallowed!

Ensure that your young child does not have access to the Christmas tree as Ornaments are made of metal plastic or foam. They can either cut their skin or block a child's airway.

Gift wrapping contains toxic metals, so your children should not be allowed to chew them.

When putting up Christmas lights for the home, ensure that all the cords are in good condition.

never run cords under the carpet.

Avoid overloading the sockets with many plugs, this can start an electrical fire!

Christmas is a family affair. So encourage your children to participate in christmas activities. It gives them a sense of belonging!

So from us to you, Merry Christmas!!!

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