Thursday, February 07, 2013

WISCAR (Women In Successful Career) is 5!!!

Wiscar is 5 years old! WISCAR runs the WIN with WISCAR Mentoring Programme!

Over the last 5 years Wiscar has made significant growth by so far mentoring 68 young professional women, through the intensive 12 month structured WIN with WISCAR programme! 

Beyond this group of specially trained and nutured WISCAR mentees, WISCAR has assisted and  helped to develop over 3,000 young and aspiring women through it's high-quality training programmes put together by the WISCAR School of Excellence and HBC Series, which provides structured competency based development career seminars carefully designed to enhance strong leadership skills, build individual capacity for personal mastery and overall workplace effectiveness.

All this have been acheived through the passion and dedication of all the parties that have been involved in the conception and implementation of the programme.

This party includes her donors and sponsors, the Patrons, the Advisory board members, the Mentors, Facilitators, The Mentees, Programme Assistants and Friends for their support.

The organization re-empahasis her determination to remain foccused to her Vision of expanding her frontiers to reach more target groups in Nigeria, Africa and beyond!

Did i mention that i'm a product of WISCAR! A proud one at that! Yes i said it!!! *lol*

See pictures of Stream 3 Mentees, (i'm in that picture)!


More pictures will be uploaded as soon as i get them!

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