Friday, August 08, 2014

Spanish Priest And Nun From Spain Test Positive To Ebola (Europe's First Ebola Case)

Yesterday, the first Case of the Ebola virus has spread to Europe. 75 year old Miguel Pajares, a Spanish priest who has been infected with the virus in Liberia was taken to Madrid via a medically-equipped military jet which was sent to Liberia yesterday to repatriate Pajares.

He had been working as a missionary in Liberia when he tested positive for Ebola at the San Jose de Monrovia Hospital in Monrovia. Also a Spanish nun named Paciencia Melgar working in Equatorial Guinea has also tested positive to Ebola and will also be repatriated to Spain.

The priest and the nun belonged to a Catholic humanitarian group that runs hospitals around the world, and have been helping to treat patients infected with the virus when they were infected.

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