Friday, August 08, 2014

W.H.O Declares The Ebola Epidemic An International Health Emergency

Today, Friday August 8th 2014, The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared the Ebola Epidemic an International Health Emergency. WHO pointed that the Epidemic demands an “extraordinary response in order to stop and reverse the international spread of Ebola" which has killed almost a 1000 people in four West African countries.

At the emergency meeting today, WHO said the declaration of the Ebola Epidemic as an international emergency will help in raise the level of vigilance for transmission of the virus.

WHO did not say that there should be general international travel or trade bans because of the outbreak. Rather they advised countries identified to have been infested by the deadly Ebola virus - Guinea, Nigeria, Sierra Leone and Liberia - to declare a state of emergency.

In a statement released today, WHO called the spread of the disease an “extraordinary event,” and described the potential consequences as “particularly serious.”  They stated that there is no licensed protocol of treatment or vaccine to halt the disease. But the body also said the disease could be contained.

Keiji Fukuda, WHO's head of health security said “This is an infectious disease that can be contained. It is not a virus that is spread through the air.”

Also today, some news reports said that a suspected case of Ebola had been detected in Uganda, the first such report from East Africa. A traveler from South Sudan who had Ebola-like systems of fever had been isolated. Physicians were awaiting the results of the tests carried out on him, The airport officials were also quoted as saying that Uganda’s last known outbreak of Ebola was in 2012.

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