Thursday, August 18, 2016

Career Moves That Propels You To Success

Many school (high school/university) leavers ask themselves one popular question which is what next? The very popular "what next" question embodies a lot of sub questions such as what kind of job do i search for? or will i find a job that in my majors that will make me successful.

But to plunge into the career world and life, key moves have to be made else you'd be miserable trust me. Some would probably be successful along the way, but rather than leave yourself to chance, wouldn't it be better to know where you are going from the beginning of your journey? Here are some successful, useful, tested and trusted moves you can make as you begin your career life. If you've already started and don't seem to be making a headway, this will work for you too.

Determine your destination
If you don't know where you are going to, you'd probably walk around aimlessly. The same applies in the career journey. You must have a clear vision of what you want to be in a couple of years, a supervisor, an MD, a HR Manager, an entrepreneur take a pick and determine what you want to be.

Determine when you want to become what you've chosen to become in your career life 
 It may sound unrealistic. But many successful career executives knew what they want to become in their career life and have a near idea of when this will happen. You see life responds to what you sincerely demand for. This point is not unrealistic. This is one of the elements of working SMART (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant and Time bound). Specific (determining what you want to become), Measurable (set a target). They say if you aim for the skies you'd probably not get there. But if you aim for the moon, you will go beyond the sky. So aim high. Never under estimate your innate abilities. You can truly become what you decide to be. So what do you want to be?

Have Faith
Nobody has said it will be an easy journey to be what you plan to become. It has never been easy in the 1st world countries and isn't easy even in the 3rd world countries. But quitters never win you know. So believe in yourself and your God, and in your skills. Work at your goal no matter where you've started from be it an office assistant or an entry level employee. Just have faith that you will be what you have desired to be. It sounds senseless right? That's why its called faith.

Take Action 
One million dreams and faith multiplied by zero action is still a big zero. The holy book says faith without works is dead. So to become a manager you need to up your competence. Don't stop at your meager first class degree (that is if you have one). Many graduates have first class. So move out of that league. Take a post graduate degree. If you have one, move another step ahead (professional courses etc). Never stop learning. That sets you apart.

This article is getting too long, i'll continue with Career Moves That Will Propel You To Success Part 2. 

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