Saturday, August 20, 2016

South Africa Suffers Drought: Critical Dam Levels

South Africa is experiencing severe drought as dam levels are low. South Africa's department of water and sanitation (DWS) has reported that 13 dams are below 10%, 58 dams are below 40% and only 29 dams above 100% in the country. Hence DWS may be implementing water restrictions for the city of Johannesburg soon.  

The Katse Dam, a critical source of the Lesotho Highlands Water Project is now at 48.7% with a decrease of 1.1% from the previous week while the Vaal River System which has 14 dams serving mainly Gauteng, Sasol and Eskom this too has decreased by 0.2% to 54.6%.

Its been reported that the dams in the province combined are sitting at 84.3%, accounting for a reduction of 4% from 88.3 % this time last year. 

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