Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Update on Hurricane Sandy

The gamut of destruction caused by super storm- Hurricane Sandy increased overnight, electrical fires and record power outages added to the misery of epic flooding plaguing the Northeast.

By early Tuesday morning, at least 6.5 million people are in the dark across 13 states and the District of Columbia. 
 In New York City, emergency backup power failed and 10 feet of water flooded the basement of NYU Langone Medical Center, prompting the evacuation of 260 patients. Nurses manually pumped air to the lungs of those on respirators.
 Hurricane Sandy brought a record storm surge of 13.88 feet (4.2 meters) into Manhattan’s Battery Park.
U.S. airlines have grounded about 12,500 flights, stranding travelers, and U.S. stock trading is closed again today in the first back-to-back shutdown for weather since 1888. Meanwhile, a part of NYC Nuclear plant has also been shut down. 
 Downtown Atlantic City in New Jersey became an extension of the Atlantic Ocean, with waves carrying seaweed and ocean debris over the streets.
 In Connecticut, the emergency management office sent out an ominous tweet to trapped residents: "If u find urself surrounded by H2O, call 4 help if u can & then get 2 highest level of home. Hang a white sheet out a street side window."
 Hardik Rajput of Nassau County, New York, couldn't believe the sight of waves crashing over the height of cars. "To be honest, I was just stunned," he said. "I've never seen that. Just to see it on the street level was astounding."
 In Washington, the region’s entire public transit system (Metro) came to a halt on Monday. Most Federal employees were asked to stay at home.

In Massachusetts, the storm pummeled the East Coast, trees and powerlines were toppled, closing roads, and causing increasing power outage during the day. Utilities have warned that power outages may last a few days. 

(# Just a few days?!!!  after a storm of as enormous as this!!! *9ja una hear? #)

 However, Governor Deval Patrick said in an evening press conference, that utilities would be working through the night to restore power where they can. So far the storm has brought the city to a standstill.

Forecasters say the entire northeast corridor of the United states will bear the brunt of  Sandy.

 Sixteen (16) deaths have been reported in New Jersey, New York, Maryland, North Carolina, West Virginia, Pennsylvania and Connecticut. Some of the victims were killed by falling trees. Police in Toronto said a woman was killed by a falling sign as high winds closed in on Canada’s largest city. Officials fear that at least an estimated sum of $10-$30 billion and counting has been lost. 
If you have family or friends in the U.S, this is a time to intensify your prayers for them.
Olorun oni je ka ri nko ti o da oooo!

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