Saturday, June 11, 2016

Places To Visit: Amboseli National Park, Kenya

You can't correctly tell how beautiful this picture above is until you see these animals yourself. The wild life viewing is entirely breath taking. This and more is what you get when you visit Amboseli National Park. Summer is here and you may be making decisions on where to visit. If you haven't been to Africa then you should consider Amboseli park. The park has this water body flowing from Mount Kilimanjaro situated in Tanzania but you can see her in all her glory from the park. The water is from the snow on the mountain. When it melts it flows and some of that flow is found in the park.

The park is about 39,206 hectares in size. The local people are the Masaai (very good jumpers). I met these people and they are just wonderful. When you visit, please do something good for them.

You will naturally find animals including elephants, Cape buffaloes, impala, Masai lions, cheetahs, spotted hyenas, Masai giraffes, plains zebras and blue wildebeest, hippopotamus and many more animals. You will find beautifully crafted acacia trees in the park. I even saw an albino monkey!

The Sunrise and Sunset in Amboseli is absolutely beautiful!

Did i mention the birds?  The park boasts of 400 species of birds including water birds, pelicans, kingfishers, crakes, hammerkops and 47 types of raptor. You may just be lucky to see some wild life action. Like the lions chasing the zebras. It was a spectacular sight i must tell you.

The next place to visit should be.....Amboseli National Park, Kenya. You won't regret it! See pictures from the park...


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